Thursday, June 3, 2010

Would You Rather Game Online

Beyond the dream where reality dies between the darkness of fear

È nell’assoluto tramare dei pensieri, lì nel mezzo delle profondità dei ricordi, che vanno annidandosi i più impuri terrori, raccolti e stretti tra le loro riluttanti carni, ribollenti di frementi incubi, e nella trepidante attesa di oltrepassare quel’appena dischiuso velo posto come unico vincolo e limite dei loro sudici arti. Così arranged, the distorted reality of the heart, are articulating a cyclical ritual that goes beyond the beliefs imposed arousing the anxieties of those who experienced life in the real possibility of human suffering, and despite the death is nothing but an unstable form of heat, perceived warmth is in this that the most tormenting delusions are sullying the fate of those who for inadequacy was not being able, in the past lived, for his life to seal the seraphic gate.
... How injured limbs, the revenue of the spirit, will be torn apart by ambiguous hands, willing them to test the primordial essence of mortal life, ingrained forms of sin, that will make hungry repeatedly arousing the greed of those demons no longer dormant, which fed the substance of suffering and fervent chants of tune, enhance their essence and then feasting with the complaints of the ungrateful dying, that corrupted by their own continuing outrage that sublime gift that is life itself, but not for the abstract possibility that power is but to offer the only factor worthy of praise, the creation of the first thoughts of essence.

... It will be so, that between
bloody screams,
will consume the wait will come again.
adoratissima my mother, who with
feminine moan
're gone from my life rooting
more like my father, you will want to point
that immensity handsome
the same mortal remains
take in your honor
those deadly features
sublimated design your own.
And I, I will become for you
herald and guardian of your impure seed ...
from father to son since
life will be forwarded
and in honor of this cycle of suffering
I materialize ' the most insane man scourge.

Semper in tuo honore regnabo.



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