dispersed among the labyrinthine rooms of the mind corroded by discontinuous flow of irrational distortions of thought, the muse is drained imagine getting lost in forests green, natural antithesis of future lived realities, they become, worn and ill premonitions of what the body is now rejecting some time.
So wander the uncertain steps of the figure is continuing the body, as faint flame longed is flexing its form there where the air gets more alive, allowing them to find it again the first reason for its existence. Confused and dazed, the crumbling nymph is discovered in every shadow that miracle for ages but wanted to boost total capacity of injustice generated by the case, could never perceive the structure in its conscious, so suddenly, in total addiction to the contemplation of their human footprints of this creature filled with ingenuity, was aroused by fervid succession of memories never exist, because further down, his eyes are placed along a possible path to the shaky start, so infinite and unreal to become food for his deepest convictions of predestination, and jumping into the inside, if not treat yourself to the already violent hand with real ambition that led her away from his right, went past the rippling appearance.
And while her lips were going to explore the infinite unfolding region of the word, just to find a worthy match his guttural found amazement, only a hissing sound traveled the infinite light of his own person, up to collapse then in the flesh ... into a single faint sound erupted from his dying lips, which despite everything seemed to drag with them the whole della sua vita, gremita questa di materia e sogni…e subito l’aere di opprimenti odori si andò colmando…e nel mentre la luce prese ad invadere la moltitudine di sostanze reggenti, l’intera materializzazione delle voci della sua anima di colpo si disgregò, ed il nulla nuovamente riprese ad affascinare le ferite del cuore della vita.
Ed è qui che voglio vivere e ancora qui che voglio morire, dove sono nata, tra le viscere della mia anima dove la mia realtà va prendendo forma sorretta e nutrita dai sogni di una vita; e motivata ancora dall’ultimo anelito del mio corpo, andrò in eterno ringraziando te, che gentilmente mi andavi concedendo quella candida illusione di potermi dolcemente librare al di sopra della realtà regnante, con la facilità di una donna e l’ingenua eleganza della fragilità di un bambina.
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