Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lutheran Bible Online

[...] The things you own, possess or end up causing pain. [...]

Fight Club - David Fincher - 1999

's crazy out how many synonyms have the word pain:
suffering, sorrow, bitterness, anguish, sadness, grief, sorrow, grief, anger, worry, anxiety, pain, suffering, anguish, suffering, tribulation, sorrow, thorn, hurt, mourning, grief, oppression, heartbreak, devastation, heartache, gnawing.

No, not the love that goes via.Mi just smashed his foot, getting up from bed with his eyes still slit, centered on a fully mobile until yesterday, I'm sure, was not there .
I could not find the exact word, what makes the perfect idea. I understand, I try to find a synonym for profanity.


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