Sunday, August 2, 2009

How Did Terkoiz Make Shock

time ago, I won the battle with the kitchen door, also known as "The Monster".
The door appeared years ago in a former beach house of my own. He went into the house with the excuse of being a gift from two unsuspecting friends and was greeted with enthusiasm by my mother. I frenai my vision of its many tentacles.
his first encounter with the evil soul of the past and I realized that being its purpose: to kill and possession of the house.
The tentacles of the monster were colored (to attract the victims), straw and hard cross-shaped (to strike more fear), and inevitably cling on to anyone who had the misfortune to cross the distracted its threshold. He had a slight preference for the human beings carrying something in the kitchen (even better if something reversible or grinding). At best the show could make you lose your balance slipping its tentacles everywhere, even inside the holes of the nose.
The monster had a strong hatred towards me. I was not attacking as with anyone else. He often tried to strangle me (forcing me each time to forcefully uproot some of its tentacles) and clearly wanted uccidermi.Inutili my calls to my mother was not believed, I went into analysis for a long time.
Later, in the middle of Sunday lunch, I saw him. The monster was there and watched me angry because now depleted of many of its tentacles, uprooted by me and other victims (stoves of his bullying).
For once I decided to attack.
understand my intentions of the monster attacking straw immediately tried to rebel, I made myself a sunscreen with a shield and counter-attacked with a large comb (all of which were inexplicably in the vicinity of the kitchen). The fight was an epic struggle (like that of Gandalf the White against the Balrog Lord of the Rings) but eventually the monster was defeated. In the evening I asked my mother (in effect the monster's owner) permission to get rid of it completely (the door was on the floor huddled in a corner, now exhausted). When he took his laconic ok plug Wood back with both hands and started to break it. Unfortunately, the monster was still alive and managed to get me two big cuts in the hand before the last gasp.
broken in two, I placed the limbs and the body inside a trash bag, carried it outside to put it in the bin. The next morning is brush up there and I threw the look, but I only found a cat that was my head.
The monster was gone. Somewhere, somehow. I still slept with one eye open ...

"The film will see is an account of the tragedy that happened to five young in particular Sally Hardesty and her invalid brother Franklin, and the fact that they were very young makes it all the more tragic, their young lives were cut short by events so absurd and macabre that perhaps even they would have never thought of living for them ... a summer afternoon trip turned into a nightmare and the events of that day led to the discovery of one of the most heinous crimes in American history "
(narrator at the beginning of the film)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Tope Hooper - 1974

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What To Wear To A Wedding Pakistani In December

Ms. Paoloni [...] As we go?
see that better? Yesterday he said "terrible"! [...]

Professor. dr. Guido Villa Celeste Tersilla primary clinical agreement with the mutual - Luciano Salce - 1969

I practically lived in almost clinical, but the visit to my doctor for the recipes, it is I always feared for the amount of patients. My hope 'to get out (alive) before midnight, but I always realize that, unfortunately, the environment is already packed with popular forums and full.
It remains only a few lucky place in distinct, and then standing.

La folla è tra le più svariate: ragazzi e ragazze, una donna che fa dei ricami…però si nota subito che le migliaia e migliaia di nonni e nonne centenari, la fanno da padrona essendo la netta maggioranza
Un po’ atterrita dalla presenza di quell’ingiustificata orda di pazienti chiedo incauta un innocente: “scusate, chi è l’ultimo?”… la domanda scatena un putiferio perché nessuno vuole essere l’ultimo! Si contano a vicenda, parlano insieme (e non si capisce niente), c’è quello che nega dice di essere arrivato dopo, quello che dice che è lì solo per la ricetta, altri che piangono…insomma, quando cominciano a scatenarsi i primi scontri, evito the launching of tear gas by police, making and keeping me as a reference by the woman of embroidery, she may be the latest victim.

As time passes, people continue to arrive and 16 are already more than seven hundred people.
Silence reigns supreme, but will immediately notice that all the grandfathers and grandmothers, ladies and gentlemen, look around hoping someone will say any bullshit, to begin to talk about it.
When all hope seems to vanish, the first arriving punctually bullshit, of course, turned to the only person of seven hundred that he was not looking around, "but knows that she embroiders benisssssimo?" The woman
looks up and smiles proudly, leaving just 90 minutes and a chorus of applause accompanied by an impromptu Mexican wave. The old woman next to (the one that made her the compliment) asks about the type of embroidery and style, firing its more technical terms in order to surprise and the envy of those present (here we understand its true purpose) . A lady from the air a bit 'stoned may fall immediately: "Ah, but then she embroidered ?!?", of course the old sly nods fair" when I could .. YES'! "And part of a series of accurate descriptions of the various works of art made, that would pale Michelangelo. General discontent among the grandmothers, devoured by envy, they try to join later in the speech with the same idea of \u200b\u200bthe cunning old woman, but it's too late, the old ladies are immediately belied by the doctor's office and removed to kick. After the time

dell'apoteosi known that the public still eager rumored perhaps because not satisfied with the discussion, as all males have been left out and therefore have satisfied their duty to have a say. The bad time is short, however (as good) as one of the grandparents in a row between the two hundred people standing waiting for the recipe, think of a brilliant idea.
pretends to confide whispering to his friend that "once it did before because the recipes kept them in the drawer "and then deliberately, his voice rising, he exclaimed," but then with this story of a junkie ... "now the first lady stoned may fall further:" What? I drugged? In that sense, what happened ..? "Delirium returns to reign supreme and part of the race to be first to tell the story: An old
tosses his club to change its handle with both hands and tossed in the face of strong neighbor who had aspired to go with the story, an old man throws down her purse on the second floor of the nearby (which had raised their hands), punches, kicks and sounds of broken bones (in the confusion are also launched the smoke from some ex-policeman was the first riot).
Taking advantage of the scuffles, the cunning stratagem of Granny embroidery before, but had already positioned (with a trivial excuse) next to the stoned, and then succeed in beating all those present began the tale of the general disappointment:: "I know ... once the doctor released the recipes in the box, until the drugs have started to rub, and then rubbed ever !!!!!" Mrs. stoned still does not understand, then explain to all involved, each with its own history:
We start from the beginning, the suspect was the discovery of thousands of old people s died as a result of the recipes have not been withdrawn. Then comes the description of the doped type, defined by grandmothers as a monster with 3 heads at least 6 feet high, with 9 tails and a pestilential breath. Then it is narrated by only two grandparents when they put to flight a horde of two hundred drug addicts, or when a prescription had to reverse the terrible path (from grandma's house to study medicine) and was protected in the tremendous journey from little old ladies rash 5 that alone had to face hordes of drugged-ogres.
The stories follow one another, than to steal from the future of the recipes before the doctor's signature to the epic battle (with sword), who has had starring no other than the doctor, and a terrible drug-mutant recklessly that was found with his hands in the bag (the recipe) and shouted "I will be only one!". Obviously it had the worst, and the doctor brought the recipe in hand with her grandmother make triumphal cry of joy and applause general.

Time passes slowly, but the long wait that has exhausted the few remaining young, has been made to forge a solid partnership between the grandfathers and grandmothers present. We come increasingly ghettoized and ignored (some inexplicably disappear and I begin to worry about), while the old men continue to join forces with each passing time raccontarsela happy. Weekdays from 56 'to the day of retirement, from his first wife (Loren equal to equal) to the last that breaks.
The wait is more exhausting, it's already 22 but the doctor still in the first patient. All
have peeled several times the 500 magazines (many rare today and Novella 2000) on the table and then gave fire to heat the food.
now the arguments are scarce, everyone knows everything about everyone, so you decide that it is time to begin the first steps: at my right hand in a big bowl of screams and sfidone bestemmioni different.
Others devoted themselves to Trump and the scopone, always fighting with his companion. To my left a
Granny pulls out of the basket a turntable, attacks him and begins to play the notes of "la mazurka in the suburbs. " Several hundred people took the old race bike and make up and down the hall pretending to be the tour of Italy, women are rooting for them and throw bottles of water.
When fox hunting I realize that I was only young myself, and I start looking around suspiciously. Slipped on the back and approach the medical office where I can sneak in disbelief at the empty desk swiped a recipe of the doctor, the patient dall'ausculto distracted.
Actually a grandmother at my back I discovered at once, forcing me to stun him with an elbow in the face before it is placed in a scream. Carefully transport the corpse in the closet (Where I discovered a dozen young people dead for hours). I can no longer qualify for the study and then I fall out the window.
are now 2 am satisfied when I look at my recipe and we transcribe the medication for survival.
While I move away and start from the fireworks ...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Exsample Of Seating Number Wedding

[...] If I cut your head what you say? Me and my head or me and my corpo.Che right has my head to call me! I'm just a tenant in this building! [..]
The Tenant - Roman Polanski - 1976

A riunione di condominio. Per me una cosa astratta. Piuttosto che andarci mi sarei tagliata un piede. Purtroppo è stata un imposizione, la presenza era fondamentale. Qui di seguito descriverò alcuni personaggi che hanno popolato questa indimenticabile serata:
Il suo idolo è Aldo Biscardi e l’amministratore dal suo idolo prende tutto: movenze, enfasi nelle proposte, ma soprattutto l'italiano, che presenta gravi lacune. L’amministratore non ama fare discorsi, ma quando ci prova salta inesorabilmente tutte le parole che non gli vengono in mente in quel momento, rendendo il monologo totalmente incomprensibile. L’amministratore ha tutto sottocontrollo, fortunatamente ad ogni problema che gli viene reported he had already moved, he had already spoken with someone but had not done his duty by putting a spoke in the wheel well. Its a difficult job, but would stand and is the idol of the crowd. Confirmed between the screams and fireworks
The meddling
knows everything about everything. Puts its beak in everything about everyone. Everything happened in that apartment building she saw it. Team and now you (I'm sure) home held a secret register details of all the people in the building (even the cat). Often takes justice by intervening directly only to quell a dangerous situation (eg pulling the potatoes to customers of pizza), but most of the time simply to observe and basta, prima o poi quello che ha visto verrà a galla e qualcuno chiederà la sua preziosa consulenza.
Il vecchio rompiscatole
Al povero vecchio rompi…… ne succedono di tutti i colori, e purtroppo sono tutte esperienze terrificanti. Ieri per esempio è salito in solaio e ha trovato la porta aperta, bada bene non socchiusa, aperta! Come se non bastasse, ogni qualvolta debba far uscire la sua potente macchina dal box, sopraggiunge uno spiacevole impedimento, solitamente causato dai motorini parcheggiati sempre male dai GIOVANI. Un capitolo a parte infatti è dedicato alla sua costante lotta contro i GIOVANI. Lui ne esce fortunatamente sempre vincitore e la moglie annuisce con fierezza pensando: "donne frenate i vostri entusiasmi, quest'uomo è mio!!"
Lo svogliato (di questa categoria io ne faccio parte)
Lo svogliato passa tutta la serata a scrutare l’orologio, soffocare sbadigli e pensare a tutto quello che avrebbe potuto fare quella sera invece di passarla lì con quei pazzi. Picchia violentemente la testa contro gli spigoli del tavolo, lotta con le zanzare, vorrebbe spaccare una fotocopiatrice, magari fracassandola in testa alla moglie del vecchio rompiscatole, solo per ammazzare la noia. Non riesce a comprendere come si possa andare avanti tre quarti d’ora a parlare delle cassette della posta. Lo svogliato non concede facilmente sorrisi, neanche alle esilaranti battute dell’amministratore.
Il riflessivo
Per la mia disperazione, the reflection is called into question in paragraph 4) of the meeting. The terrible "any other business." It would be the last point, when it seemed now done and I already anticipate an early return. Section 4) instead takes up most of the evening because the reflex is called into question on the terrible dispute CONDOMIONIO PIZZERIA Vs. The reflective describes the story in detail. The reflexive and it does not miss anything with the grit of a lethargic sloth says, she says, she says, until my brain can not take it anymore, comes from the head takes away the keys. Find me on the sofa with his friend, fan, read on. While my body will remain there on that chair forever and end of the meeting will be irreparably rotten.
I want a house with no neighbors.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shin Symptoms Of Herpes

[...] If no one will get in my way, nobody gets hurt '. [...]

A Falling (Falling down) - Joel Schumacher - 1993

who works closely with the "public" knows: it is necessary iron to a patient having to deal with various types of humanity, every day, for several hours a day, maintaining the balance mentale.C 'is what comes out of the house with a thought rooted in the mind: we're going to break the first of the fools who work in a shop. Why not even know him, but before you submit your smugly, watching you as if I was not taken regularly, but purchased (by others, on the other, but to be sacrificed to its service) is to slaves and do beggar rich (because the true gentlemen, let's face can be recognized by hello at the door) you will plant the side as a troublesome thorn cactus until they are sure that you put your patience to the maximum endurance. There
what you hear god on earth: does not exist, this subspecies of animal being, the word "hello", which would be very respectful conversational than a "hello", it even stranger. No, the humanoid in question comes in and says directly "I have a problem," or "risolvimi" and follow the object of his commandments.
Considering that, alas, civilization and good manners are not cheap gifts, and that I, more fortunate than them, I could be happy to give an example.
My patience, a time over at great heights, it is significantly thinned and not a day goes by I feel the urge compulsion to lash out with all the bad that I can (and, I swear, I can so if properly stimulated) against the rude shift that I happen to shoot. Fortunately
soon and 'August, and the work will not be able to terminato.Se sclera before then, I want a couple of weeks of complete rest: the state of solitude, silence and solitude. And silence. And loneliness. Or rather, only F.

Yes I am stressed

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Price Of Clonazepam Walgreens

"Would you tell me, please, as you leave here?"
"That depends on where you want to go," said the Cat.
"It does not matter much," said Alice.
"So no matter the road you take," said the Cat.
"... as long to get somewhere" Alice added.
"Ah, so you're too quiet," said the Cat. "Just do not you stop first."

Alice Wonderland - Tim Burton

I have a series of words, red, I never showed to anyone. but more recently, he shakes my throat and insists on coming out. and crushes me more and more I seem unable to satisfy. but I want it, very strongly. and, sooner or later I will succeed.
are allergic to it should be, everyone. but you give me a pencil and, with his eyes closed, you design it by heart. no matter what you should be or what might be. you give me a pencil and you do as you are. with lines of hand twisted around to remind me of the wood cut gravità.ho thirty tondissimi question marks in the shape of an ellipsis.
the past away, this is beautiful and the future of giggles. stabilizes a truth, appearances are rotting. and among many meaningless phrases braided chorus, just to laugh. hummed to give joy. only to emphasize happiness.

[I went back through the mirror. A little more 'run of division and also here. ]

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lutheran Bible Online

[...] The things you own, possess or end up causing pain. [...]

Fight Club - David Fincher - 1999

's crazy out how many synonyms have the word pain:
suffering, sorrow, bitterness, anguish, sadness, grief, sorrow, grief, anger, worry, anxiety, pain, suffering, anguish, suffering, tribulation, sorrow, thorn, hurt, mourning, grief, oppression, heartbreak, devastation, heartache, gnawing.

No, not the love that goes via.Mi just smashed his foot, getting up from bed with his eyes still slit, centered on a fully mobile until yesterday, I'm sure, was not there .
I could not find the exact word, what makes the perfect idea. I understand, I try to find a synonym for profanity.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Running Broken Blood Vessels

[...] Please accept my resignation: I do not want to be part of a club that continues to want to accept as a member. [...] Groucho Marx

"I am a Giver of Smiles.
the dispenser of smiles, sorrisi.Sorrideva dispensed to the baker, smiled for the postman, even smiled for the his employer, the Giver of Smiles. And those, as she smiled, smiled in turn, smiles as he dispenses to those who had none of smiles. Even as a child, the Giver of Smiles dispensed smiles, right, missing , in the dark of night and day with the sun until he became famous all over the planet globally, in America, Australia, nei continenti con la E, come l’Europa, e in quelli con la X, sulla fiducia. Aveva cataste piene di sorrisi in soffitta, in cantina, sotto il cuscino, nelle scarpe e nei barattoli di zucchero nella dispensa, la Dispensatrice di Sorrisi, e tutti, tutti li donava i suoi sorrisi, senza emettere fattura e senza compenso.
Quando dispensò il suo centoquattordicimiliardesimo sorriso, ebbe un malore e si accasciò sfoggiando un sorriso d’ottima annata .
Nessuno sa cosa avvenne dopo quel giorno, per paura di un possibile contagio,

Questa è la triste storia della Dispensatrice di Sorrisi."

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thank You Letter For My Football Coach

[...] Often the most interesting things are the craziest.
For this and 'curiosity that makes me wake up in the morning. [...]
Federico Fellini.

I go to the library grounds for gifts and just put my foot is proposed in front, illuminated with its own light, big beautiful white "The Book of Dreams" by Federico Fellini.Tutti other books disappear by magic . Throughout the library there is only so libro.Quel book that hides among the pages of all because all the causes and roots of genius Fellini.Prendo his courage in both hands, and I go to the voice and librivendolo I dreamily:
- How much is the Book? - (Without indicating that he knew it so well throughout the library there was just this book)
- Sit down. E 'quiet? are 300 (three hundred, three times a hundred, six times fifty) euro.
My heart is broken.
- I want to see - it makes me librivendolo with the mischievous air.
- No I prefer to think of it useless and ugly.
Epilogue: ... ... ... do not know how to resist it is now open Feltrinelli?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Plat At The Front Of Hair

[...] The best way to lose a bad habit, and 'replace it with una peggiore. [...]
Jack Nicholson

- Perche' vedo cose che non dovrei?
- Perche' e' la tua natura.
- Cosa vuoi da me?
- Voglio ciò che ogni uomo vuole: un poco di affetto! Un po’ di fiducia, diavolo porco!E mi fai offendere da solo! [...]
Le Streghe di Eastwick - George Miller - 1987

Riesco a sentire quello che gli altri non dicono and I can see what has not happened yet, this makes me a kind of witch. Not one of those ugly and bad guys who love to frighten children, but even the good ones who use their powers only for humanitarian purposes. I have often made my witchcraft in fact, use assoluatamente selfish, so I'm not sure I will be your predestined for this immense gift, maybe "someone" in his infallibility must be wrong, but in the meantime have and I enjoy . Yes, because being witches gives you an edge over, puts you in direct contact with the essence of the world without having to waste time in strange meditation, biofeedback and various stuff and me being lazy is a real advantage. But the best thing of all is yet to realize that they can travel freely in any direction and at any time of day and night to meet known and unknown worlds, universes and distant neighbors, indescribable feeling, and above all the soul of people. Oh thank goodness ... I was never in fact a person present for the other, nor even affectionate, I admit, so if it were not so easy for me may not even know what it's like this incredible and sometimes sudden feeling of sharing with total the pain or the joy of someone. And as I reflect on this particular aspect of my person total reconciliation with myself, I taste the notes of a piece of music that I loved very much and that was enough for me want to listen to find it in cd materialized in my mailbox. Although this seems like a good reason to be born ... thank witch

Friday, July 3, 2009

Welcome Speech Samples For Church

[...] There is no problem that with a little 'good will not be able to ignorare.La madness and' an emotion, not a problem, that's why I fix everything with my madness [...]

Matinee - 1993 - Joe Dante

"I've never been afraid to leave me a crazy thought, to 'an absurd idea. Who said that reason and conscience can not open the doors of our mind letting all the air fresh and renewed as that of a slight insanity. E 'caging of our deepest desires, the most intimate area of \u200b\u200bour individuality. The crazy thoughts go beyond what should be and how the world should be and walk new paths, where each view is being shaped as we passed and we are surprised by the novelty of its colors and its unpredictable forms. I'm not afraid to go into areas without endless obligations directional or speed limits, I'm not afraid if the road ends at a certain point and are forced to climb with difficulty even to discover what lies beyond the top of the mountain because of preconceptions and prejudices. I'm not going far if I feel I want to forgive a murderer, I do not feel ridiculous if I want to talk to animals, do not reflect before giving an idea even if it's strong, even if an army of right-thinking people that contrasts easily attack with pride and arrogance. Not having a touch of madness means to travel without ever leaving your luggage in habits, it's like going to a Thai restaurant and ask if they have Italian food, is like saying that we do not like a dish without having yet tasted or a person until you have truly known. In this ongoing debate, too often turned on that is life, I realized that between good and evil, right and wrong, right and left, guilty or innocent, victim or executioner there is always another option that does not reside in the responses and sole discretion but in the freedom of thought so wonderfully different and crazy. "