Sunday, August 15, 2010

Solodyn And Headaches

On the feeling of the neighborhood lost

Partiamo con il dire che è questo è un servizio per un'emergente stilista, Arianna Isotti, e per la sua nuova collezione "d'ARIA"...di conseguenza il testo che ho scritto non è, come in the other post on the photo itself, but the context in which I found to work. The location of the set is the wonderful mountain area district, Rome, here I had the opportunity to know the wonderful people I have found to work, of course, Arianna Isotti stylist, the makeup artist Marina Macii, the beautiful model Michelle (http : / / /), the excellent assistant and photographer around the backstage Luca Latrofa. A more particular thought goes to those who have done part of the set in various ways, Gerard, Vincent, Matias and other people present there. The text that I wrote as it is put into this context that I have lived in those streets and those people who showed me a side his humanity until now I had never met before and I very much hope that they can live again.

pictures and words to you ...

Sarà tra sospirati sentieri e lievi sguardi
che vedrò scorrer via
questa fornicante moltitudine d’anime inespresse,
here in ancient stone and twisted air
feel the mood to come to life
beyond the formalities of the time.

faint spectra will guide my steps
whispering of the events experienced mutations
where people and deeds were nothing
unless extensions will of a melancholy pleasant place,
fascinating mysteries and vicissitudes of the crypt,
for whose secrets
every essence
taking shape their existing knowledge
through the word of others,
fruitful source that diversity in its perfection.

So unexpected encounters between wandering and you want to wake,
go touching those preserved shadows
sealed between rioters minds and raging passions,
forced between feverish meat and poetic instincts ...
and still lives at the point of flooding the earth
with tumultuous and violent apparitions visionary
be where and die
lose substance
before the magnificence of birth.

Scattered between oneiric phantasmagoria so sound,
evocations of a disconnect than our local entities,
go on rising emotional grotesque foul language ...
manifest unconscious representations,
materializations so virtuously fairs
to make that heart and head
should be moving in unison
in a sea of \u200b\u200bfruit that seems uneasy dreams
some unclean abstract
touched by the dark.

... and I loved those few moments as likely
that I seem to hear even
quell'eccelse notes received
had a moment of silent assent
and all of a sudden
was shaken by the collagenase substrate of this immense life ...
vibrating air.



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