Monday, May 24, 2010

Dunk Tank Construction

On the passage from death to life

Con il fine ultimo di andare oltre, di non aver alcun limite imposto dalla realtà umana, sono andato scovando di una possibilità la contorta natura astratta, così traslando e mutando la forme e l’essenza proprie di questa minima speranza sono arrivato al punto di iniziare a percepire ciò che risiedeva beyond the need, from something that motivates my every gesture. Crossing the threshold was immense light to cause the stagnation of the remote be impressing my thoughts on all of the image of my salvation, undeniable solution blend of soul and intermittency in their own words the wondrous power of images migrated from thought to reality . In an instant I realized that the path of death into life that I was blindly going along, leaving the useless drag of the normal appearance of things, was the glow of a new muse, unreal evolution of physical transmutations-sentient brain, to ensure that the static restlessness in me could flourish deep echo of countless and glorify fantastic evocations of parallel realities where the past and the future of this waving a rule-governed beyond the imagination of infinite possibility. Became all too easy for my body to continue to continue the multitude of labyrinthine paths that were placed in front of me constantly enjoying any form of land and that went trampling, and was equally to the mind, which is prey to total ecstasy left by the immensity of the envelop so unreal can fuel the expansion of the more remote and abstract thinking in their regions of absolute chaos, immaterial continue extending the universe in its totality. And from stench of the deadly dullness of the apartment so I could really immerse myself in a new cognitive substrate where the iridescent hues of unearthly colors were starting to feed the dark depths of my extreme need for life ...

And everything went for me
eternal light and dripping, unstable succession
burning of alchemical photons,
generated by collisions iridescent
own exhalation of intimate soul
the act button to radiate all of life
images generated by the mind,
so infuse the material
quell'eccelso own miracle of creation,
exaltation of being last
and fruitful altar of the divine in us clotted.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Garrett Popcorn Printable Coupon

Sur l'intime vanité des choses

Beyond consideration of all possible I am sure that the vanity generated by the self-esteem goes well beyond the complacency originated altruism because as a review of our satisfaction with these tools can not irreversibly affect our thinking, or better, they can not affect our long-believe, of course, assuming and taking for granted the power of ideas and we believe that we characterize confer 'individuality that makes us human beings. From this it follows implicitly that the operation generated by the search for their own well-being is something that is born, grows and dies, only in our hearts, coming to enjoy a life cycle that how long is simply an extension of thought, as it is in This form is gratifying that our coming to the total satisfaction of its own essence. In ogni aspetto del progressivo raggiungimento del nostro benessere, inteso non come bene assoluto valido per ogni persona bensì come nostro personalissimo Piacere che come tale può all’altrui vista apparire come riprovevole o insensato, è il nostro stesso corpo a mutare forma, consistenza e odore di pari passo all’evolversi del nostro pensare. Il corpo diviene diretta manifestazione della nostra interiorità, è l’espressione massima di ciò che vogliamo nel momento in cui la coincidenza tra volere, essere e potere trova compimento nel gesto più naturale e proprio dell'uomo quale, per l'appunto, il vivere stesso. Sarà così che nel preservare l’istinto e la materia propria della felicità che il body and all its shared domain extension will become the support act and safeguard what the thoughts are constantly developing in our deeper brain alive reagent.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Mucus In First Morning Urine

Réflexions sur la photographie...

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Bearing in mind that my best mate discussions regarding everything that revolves around the photo is none other than my stream of same thoughts, I want to start with as I tell you perceive the picture or, as I move to my thoughts about photography. It also seems obvious but I must say that given the one-sidedness del mio pensare tutto è estremamente contestabile e soggetto a variazioni date dal mutare delle circostanze che intrecciano il vivere; in ogni modo per il solo fatto che tutto ciò contribuisca alla buona riuscita di ogni mia foto penso, e in parte ne sono certo, che valga la pena di essere ascoltato o quanto meno valutato…per quanto mi riguarda, io credo fermamente in ogni parola del mio pensare, e spero che questo sia un buon inizio per il mio futuro.

Spesso ho pensato sulle diverse varianti di pensiero che riempiono le bocche dei vari fruitori di un qualsiasi mezzo meccanico atto alla registrazione istantanea della realtà arrivando più volte a riconoscermi nell’una or the other hypothesis, but with time and with the succession of new and personal ideas have come to define for me what is humanly possible, a conception that is at least close to the way I perceive things, and it is That is what my serious consideration more alive and strong, consideration and I would like to have the paternity with absolute certainty but about which I can not swear to it before me too many people have thought about why everything imaginable, but I like it same think it is solely the result of my thinking. Returning to the core of the speech, which perceiving, I would like to precisely define and explain the relationship this has with photography; first act of each recording of reality requires an artifact of our brain and thus makes artificial what is commonly referred to as real captured, correctly I think you should speak more than a real thought, not caught but then created, said that the act to impress on a any kind of support one aspect of what confronts us is nothing but the realization of our own speculation brain, a manifestation of unreality given by our imagination and made real recreated as a tangible reality and common, but the same fantasy as intangible at first but then becomes visible in a second so considerable as real, imagined to be real here; other consideration is that the veracity of what is shown in the photograph, I strongly believe that what stands before our eyes did not need to be scored as true or false should not be part of end user awareness of the existence of what he sees, not at all believe in the artistic and aesthetic meaning of things without necessarily having to know the nature that created it, then it must be said that materialized as a manifestation of our thought / idea, the picture should not be a victim of the absolute need and faithful reproduction of the real common / discounted / aim Indeed, as a representation / creation personal and subjective photography must be free from any claim purely realistic, of course, any excess in any direction is considered incorrect because a picture is a picture as a photo is not the reality we live and we constantly see ... photography thus becomes interpretation of reality through the criteria of our own personal perception, and as an individual subject to different types of modeling and recording. The image is not real common images and therefore the base material from which to start moving our thinking, then coming to shape every aspect and interpretation so as to arrive at more correct, accurate and real-time realization of the reality we imagined and perceived, precisely photography as a record of real thought.