Sunday, December 19, 2010

Usaneko ~mimikko Maid No Ongaeshi

On the impossibility of man's salvation

And your inconceivable reason
ritrovaste soon offended you in the form
from your negligent act perversely,
since the operations you committed
were nothing but incomprehensible steps
towards your total annihilation.

So now
go quietly wondering

how we could not recognize
that Sovereign's own gift,
order to defy the doom
and then wandering in the infinite region
human hell.

What misguided affair
we cover the eyes
and washed our hands after
sum for compassion
we were offered the redemption
for what in other times we went

And again,

how silly presumption
we were convinced that our forces
and our ingenuity
could pass
the power of the metaphysical
and give new life
to a kind of parody of a real picture perfect.

... but it was late now
when we managed to notice that
our inability
far exceeded the expectations of all of us,
and were soon corrupted by our very nature
become so distorted representation
a well imagined,
but profoundly altered in substance,
and our body
became an expression of our inevitable smell of death,
inherent destiny of the impossibility of salvation.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Raylene Richards Lesbian Orgy


17 December 2010 at
photo expo by RICCARDO VALLEY
event planner EVA POINTE

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What Does Rah Rah Rah Mean

On the creation of human death

cold blood trembling life
touched the hand ' essence curdled
that made me alive in that serene cave,
because it violated the restriction and lost her son,
salvation was still nothing more,
and my slow rise
s 'insinuated tremendous
in the heavy air ...

In wandering among these natural home,
crowded with wooden columns
and rustling heaven,
could hear for a while property
the endless wonders,
corroded dall'imperdonabile and shameless exploitation of that abject
just creatures of logic,
cries and alienated their own fertility.

And I saw that everything seemed to unfold
the reason for my return,
and sad to go
I walked from my dearest brother,
with knowing that soon
would once again become
queen of this dark century.

- -------------------------------------------------- --------------

And dwelling in the ruins of the earth,
She awoke again
filled with new life
and prey dell'inebriante wonder
to find himself again grabbed
the form of human morbidity refused
despite the material reality
denied he was in times long forgotten.

so attracted by the many shadows of the day
went chasing that violent smell
springs from the black altar,
able to do that with
went searching out with only perceive the substance
that faint echo of a fraternal pleading for help,
silent scream
forms that still permeated the place,
hope distorting vital
that went from the land bloom
because it is almost too indifferent ,
because everything was helpless
since necrosis was already in progress.

hearing it the whole scroll below the actual ruling of the common good
sensed in her the duty of the species
of wound hand
what in truth can no longer be remedied;
She poses and light to the right of fraternal Son
and becoming its own extension,
closing his eyes,
let himself down in his black cloak
and what had not been frustrated by the time
sadly was purged
with meticulous dedication
old mother who would use
in giving his beloved creature
the last abbraccio
prima della più naturale dipartita:
disarmonica fioritura
di un’anima imperfetta. 







Monday, October 18, 2010

Congratulation Wedding Phrases

on the emotionality of visual flow

Because given the opportunity to see yet
no escape was made possible by the misleading fate
post to tie the representation property,
that chemical substances enclosed by silversmith
was revealed only by the dynamics of transition
luminescent particles than abstract
sum of their creative work.

So inevitably be severed from the theoretical superstitions alchemical
he showed marks of a real dream,
caught in the shadow of unexpected inspiration
that hard work built by the engineer of the 'invention
was changed by the variability of the unconscious released,
so deployed, it is easy to see exhibiting inappropriate forms ,
leaving only the pleasure
to take advantage of those eclectic vision of the mind.

It will be at detecting the primordial substance generating
that in the depths of his eyes
everything manifest their real names;
as likely to create, his soul, it will sink its existence
in fertility of those intimate secrets of nature, which offered her
as a gift to this remote wonder
is now shaping infinite possibilities,
to give life to those visionary hallucinations of evolution
generated by the perfection of a more advanced perception.

forged so the expression of unreality shows,
as the sum of creation, will be giving hope and pain
in the knowledge that everything in her will exist
continuing the pace of the viciousness of possessions,
becoming so magnanimous generating coveted fantasies lost
tormenting unquenchable passion for the ruling
the deepest desires of those souls wealthy revelers
now devoted solely to the expiation of pernicious pleasure broken.


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Monday, October 11, 2010

Body Painting And Volleyball

On the natural size of the animal be

and in that single moment, this fascinating symbiotic substances went heavy body, transformed by her mother itself increasingly resembles those renegades like ... well, from the depths of the earth, is emerging now in all its majestic grandeur, come back to complete with his very essence, reborn as a creature, daughter and wife of the incestuous mother and with bare human form and spirit beastly.

... shaking that his soul
let the beat enclosed
take to live again,
since abandoned in the real alcove
all was as it was created in principle.

And despite the blandishments maternal
everything seemed to revive her
after they feared for a lifetime
truth in what looked like the most.

raggiante della sua riscoperta essenza
sospirò al passato concedendo al presente
di giunger furente in lei;
e in un istante la simmetria del suo cuore
prese a vorticare in un mutevole generarsi 
di istinti ed sensazioni mai percepite...

e mentre tutto attorno a lei
andava assumendo espressioni di tenera familiarità,
le sue assenti ali
presero a scuotere l'apatia di quei molti anni
spent in a possible stranger.

And now that everything vibrates
his inebriated life
be giving the fraternal nature
the gift of cheer for the new-found via ...

and her
dissolved nell'autunnale mantle of the new
exist with an affable smile
by the certainty that nothing more will vanish.


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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mounting Hardware Decorative Plates

VITA On the absurdity

... In following a path of curves and shadows, is to be found in the body that is the first reason of existence of man, sense of born and die because of, well in the first half contains the meaning of everything: LIFE.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Clear Liquid While Menstruating

is satisfied almost all Being
I was lost in that white light, where nothing
had more semblance
of possible practical utility.
stubborn as I could to make any gestures,
was finally the irrational despair
to take the pleas of salvation
silenced by your sentient spiritual matters .. .

And the body was so
instrument of a will unknown
to the point that virulent movements
began to pierce the veil of reason, drawing in
forms without the sentence of intellect ...

It was still empty
not the current reality,
leaving any apparent feeling
wrecked in a milky and incorporeal you.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kates Playground The Rabbit

On the milky color revolution entropic

And while impossible forms of violent flare color standing out from 'deepest darkness, I see dance textured chromatic substances, which were fascinated by cyclic dying souls, are expanding their facilities radical inconsistency as if to grab the latest inventories of vital molecules, dispersed dall'inespresse grinds organic, suspended in the soft dirt of the axis and supported by pregnant dreams land.

ecstasy So entropy of an eternal becoming is the face that is appearing between your desired tonal fragmentary moments, mnemonic dispersed particles in the recesses of historical reminiscences time now lost to oblivion ... sold, now crowded by anything alive.

It will therefore be vacuous in the flourishing of those appearances that changing body coils spread around my feelings, making it the ultimate essence of any substance should be consumed for ever, since there will be nothing beyond the advent of this iridescent miasmatic and chaos.

quell'irreale And it was only semblance of color to let this mind now surrendered, could rejoice last time of ecstasy believed forgotten, but it served the entire remaining life in order to settle the price quest'ultraterreno of gift ...

and tightening the heart and eyes, was immense color to burn these untamed membra, lasciando fluire in me quell’empia quiete dovuta, esortata dalla nascita di un’insana oscurità cortese.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Solodyn And Headaches

On the feeling of the neighborhood lost

Partiamo con il dire che è questo è un servizio per un'emergente stilista, Arianna Isotti, e per la sua nuova collezione "d'ARIA"...di conseguenza il testo che ho scritto non è, come in the other post on the photo itself, but the context in which I found to work. The location of the set is the wonderful mountain area district, Rome, here I had the opportunity to know the wonderful people I have found to work, of course, Arianna Isotti stylist, the makeup artist Marina Macii, the beautiful model Michelle (http : / / /), the excellent assistant and photographer around the backstage Luca Latrofa. A more particular thought goes to those who have done part of the set in various ways, Gerard, Vincent, Matias and other people present there. The text that I wrote as it is put into this context that I have lived in those streets and those people who showed me a side his humanity until now I had never met before and I very much hope that they can live again.

pictures and words to you ...

Sarà tra sospirati sentieri e lievi sguardi
che vedrò scorrer via
questa fornicante moltitudine d’anime inespresse,
here in ancient stone and twisted air
feel the mood to come to life
beyond the formalities of the time.

faint spectra will guide my steps
whispering of the events experienced mutations
where people and deeds were nothing
unless extensions will of a melancholy pleasant place,
fascinating mysteries and vicissitudes of the crypt,
for whose secrets
every essence
taking shape their existing knowledge
through the word of others,
fruitful source that diversity in its perfection.

So unexpected encounters between wandering and you want to wake,
go touching those preserved shadows
sealed between rioters minds and raging passions,
forced between feverish meat and poetic instincts ...
and still lives at the point of flooding the earth
with tumultuous and violent apparitions visionary
be where and die
lose substance
before the magnificence of birth.

Scattered between oneiric phantasmagoria so sound,
evocations of a disconnect than our local entities,
go on rising emotional grotesque foul language ...
manifest unconscious representations,
materializations so virtuously fairs
to make that heart and head
should be moving in unison
in a sea of \u200b\u200bfruit that seems uneasy dreams
some unclean abstract
touched by the dark.

... and I loved those few moments as likely
that I seem to hear even
quell'eccelse notes received
had a moment of silent assent
and all of a sudden
was shaken by the collagenase substrate of this immense life ...
vibrating air.