say about her .... Post
of Sir Thomas in Double
really is cause for regret because Daria Bignardi not propose this wonderful creature most renowned companies, echoing the grandeur of its mark. Okay, La7 is tiny, pretty, and divertentente snob, but realizes where no one cries all with their own hands in a real optimism, knowing that the basin of the public is poor compared to the immense audience that share RAI and Mediaset. And it's frankly a shame. The Barbarian Invasions do not really have anything to envy to the talk-show of the two national competitors insightful, and often fatally stabbed by excessive self-reference. Daria Bignardi from 2005 to guide the program that she signed, after a past score equally between talk show devoted to modern times and reality-show experienced by the parent, such as Big Brother and The Farm, shows no problems its undoubted oratorical skills. No rhetoric. Bandits fake smiles, the green light to creative ability and improvisation - the memorable episode in the first lineup unfinished at the time of the test administered to guests soaked in nature - managed with great lucidity . And then we are through them, the celebrities, politicians, the so-called celebrities, with apparent ease that they sit around the table talking, and entertain with a conductive nice trip around themselves and the world that circumnavigated the other constantly, without being forced agreeable or disagreeable, without having to leave the enemy's camp for not true. It 's the power of Bignardi: pungent, but gentle, humorous but never dull : does not go down into submission, makes it possible for the frieze and the supposed superiority of role as interviewer with the austere mission to snatch guest battered the fateful words. Here are the interviews taking anything Barbarian flavor than forzataggini of Vespa and Mentana or uncut lounges where guests are free to unleash all his harangue without getting into play, but only in the show. There is interviews tasty, funny, ironic, but also ruthless, where the roles are continually being redesigned, which is played with the same euphoria with sins and awards . Never granted interviews, in which the host is confronted with rumors, often pointed visions of others, thoughts of media and toys like the irreplaceable gun to his head that encourages the interviewee to contextualize in a playful but with a smile immediately. Then, of course, also depends a little bit from the character with whom you are dealing with. Leaving out first of all politicians - on which the Bignardi bit though very, very long marathon in distillates - Littizzetto and Luciana, who inaugurated the second year of transmission with the usual dose of eccentricity, the darker proved Palombelli Barbara. We must get into the game almost as children do at roundabouts, carefree and happy - at the cost of being well positioned on the grid against their media, as happened to Barbara Berlusconi, who shot more or less than zero on Good Friday by Maurizio Costanzo - while wife of Francesco Rutelli has proved less inclined to simplicity. But it is also true that the interviews Barbarian touch a chord, but without causing false notes .. Beautiful even when Bignardi, in its traditional and unique press release quotes a full post picked up, with a lot of recognition, dal Daveblog , ai blogger si apre una speranza: quella di poter concretamente interagire con chi la televisione la fa. E la convinzione che quelli della televisione un'occhiata ai blog del settore la danno sempre volentieri, anche se mantenendosi infingardamente indiscreti. Ma Le Invasioni Barbariche non è soltanto un faccia a faccia continuo. Ci sono due spazi dedicati uno all'attualità e uno al costume nazionale che permettono un confronto sereno e soprattutto non urlato su tematiche interessanti e a volte snobbate dai media. E il pubblico se n'è accorto (la scorsa edizione ha mantenuto ligia una media del 4% di share, con punte del 18%, numeri folli per la rete Telecom). E proprio per questo cresce il rammarico: se Daria, ottima firma peraltro di 'Vanity Fair', dove cura una rubrica, spalleggiata qualche pagina più avanti dal marito Luca Sofri, si trasferisse in Rai o in Mediaset, avrebbe tutt'altro clamore. Anche se forse, Le Invasioni perderebbero la propria aurea. E allora forse, tutto sommato, è meglio la classica e ben assortita èlite, che ama la semplicità e bandisce il pettegolezzo soffritto.
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