Monday, October 30, 2006

Bedwetting Store Promotional Coupons

Responses barbaric Daria ...

Applications barbaric choices this week on the site just as barbaric and answers ... la7 MERAVIGLIOSEEEEEE! (Now become our motto!)
that respond briefly to some controversy on various .. Garko on the two talk, especially on that of the "southerners ".... a few words and Daria knows how to" lie down. "Brava again . I had already tried it in a post to ask you to ask questions for Daria ... if you want you can do it here!

Maria Cristina : Dear Daria

confess: when I saw the De Laurentiis I said no! here, too? News, internet, reviews ... in fact the gap has been accompanied her to Camila. And Limits! Not the life of a De Laurentiis, but that of a woman. Painful, difficult and tiring.
I know you do ...
for us, but you do not feel so bad to rummage in the lives of others? Hello and Friday

Daria responds ...: From the time I have not searched, in fact, just for nothing! I just wanted to tell a story, and you may have noticed that although the ideas do not miss the morbidity of our key reading was less than zero. A Friday.

Dear Daria Let's face it.
We like to do the intellectual, erudite ones, a little 'snob who say yuck in front of mouflon and exalted before Niffoi. But what about Garko? Always follow your transmission more than anything else for the contents but this time the person who impressed me the most e. ..
I remember even now that it's Monday morning, it's him, that smile, that look and those shoulders ... And if the plant, so, as a way of life, tirarcela and back to the good old boys? Always faithful

Daria responds ... Look, Garko was very appealing, but I think it's the first boyfriend to want to offer more as a husband ... so offhand that depends a bit on what you are looking for ... In general, I do not think that there 'come with tirarsela anything or not, but I think that an educated man, intelligent and curious there and not get bored never ... credo si possa dire altrettanto col "buon vecchio maschio" che dici tu…smack.

Cara la mia Barbaresca Scusa ma questa volta non son proprio d'accordo con te. Mi riferisco al servizio andato in onda nella puntata di venerdì 27 ottobre sull'orgoglio terrone. Sono una felice e appagata moglie di un uomo del nord che non ha niente di meno di uno del sud. E poi cos'è questa...
differenza nord sud, la passione ha una connotazione geografica? Se nasci alla latitudine x sei un drago, se nasci un po' più sù sei solo un "tenerone"? Ma tu ci credi davvero?

Daria risponde
...Assolutamente no, naturalmente. Si faceva per scherzare, no?

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Wikipedia: Velocity Von

The Day After ..

.... 21:35 pm Bitto, the assistant explained the study as usual norms of behavior (cell phone off, do not chew chewing gum, testing microphone, applause, etc.) and begins to stir the ... presenter not yet appeared on the horizon and threatens him to do the promo!
Panic .... where is Daria? Why do not you still study? All right? (Usually comes a little bit first to greet the public and fuck) ... All this because we are apprehensive as the mothers the first day of school, because we know how to live the Daria episode, there's always the excitement ...
But here, it launches in close study in its frou-frou frock and whirling sui tacchi altissimi di quelle scarpe fiammeggianti che catturano subito il mio occhio trendy!
"ci salutiamo dopo...scusate il ritardo!"Sorride guardando il pubblico e ...via col promo!
I tempi sono stretti,ci salutiamo come ogni venerdì...e meno 3,2,1 vai con la sigla..desparacido soy...."eccoci in diretta da Milano con le invasioni barbariche"
e si parte con l'intervista a Follini...I commenti li lasico a voi nei (spero) post che lascerete...
Primo talk show: De Lurentis, Camila Raznovich,Paolo Limiti...Daria si pone nel mezzo e si lascia trasportare dai racconti e dalla vita vissuta di ognuno di loro,mi rammarica solo che con Limiti non ci fosse Flora Dora!

Seconda intervista: Gabriel Garko...che mean? ... daria legendary and hilarious ... Gabriel said that the presentation of Daria - "are like Daria" - his name was Dario (not very witty or history? oh well, it's cool to forgive him!)
I get all d ' impostatissimo a piece and ready to fight to the sound of furtive glances and winks the cream puffs!
collapsing alarmingly under the spell of the young man ... or play?
am inclined to the latter, among the qualities which are those of the Daria know fall into the atmosphere built by the people interviewed ... Among
socks ("hanging" as it says Daria!), Various sexual revelations, comments and interviews denied the plaintiff, "Indecent Proposal" to host (super special moment with Daria embarrassed that folds in on itself and flies very human face ...) takes home this second interview ... The rest
commentiamolo together ... if you do not understand I have to scoot!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Kates Playground - The Rabbit

ready for the fourth episode?! The lounge

then ready for the fourth episode tonight? I recommend we all at 21.40 on la7! I'm almost ready for my Friday barbaric meow ... well, I would say you ... Party!

Interviews barbaric: Follini, Enrico Papi and Gabriel Garko ....

Talk: Two women from history and life experiences are very different in confronting current talk: Veronica De Laurentis, daughter of 'actress Silvana Mangano e del grande produttore Dino,
autrice del libro "Rivoglio la mia vita", parlerà della sua infanzia, dell'educazione ricevuta e dei fantasmi che emergono dal passato, confrontandosi con la veejay di Mtv Camila Raznovich, che nelle pagine di "Lo rifarei" racconta la sua esperienza di figlia dei fiori, dei suoi viaggi in Oriente ma anche di alcuni capitali bui della sua infanzia. Insieme a loro, il conduttore Paolo Limiti.

La rubrica "costume nazionale" si pone un fondamentale quesito semiserio: spunta davvero tra le donne la voglia dell'uomo che non deve chiedere mai? Specialmente le donne più evolute, preferiscono davvero il maschio tradizionale, meglio se meridionale?

Ne parlano l'attrice e modella American Randi Ingerman, the author of Foggia Pulsatilla, author of the successful debut "The Ballad of prunes," with the League MEP Matteo Salvini and comedian Rocco Barbaro.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Comments On Becoming A Dialysis Tech

girl-pride Daria ... and we think that?

Here is the article Aldo Grasso Corriere della Sera a few days ago ... about the forum is to be quoted on the site of fat ... where timely delivery of messages appear and pro daria against us .... we say? We want to defend and also expressed our ideas on this? ... Here we go ... (but also write on his forum ... I think boycotting the positive comments!)

Bravo and Brava, brava and fortunata.Qualundue viewer or critic has of discernment has looked at the program Daria Bignardi you will certainly have seen an inclination of the Institute originale.Al today only a few focus on its core means of expression if not as a means to voice their vanità.In Daria Bigner, however, to recognize a love for the means by which he chose to esprimersi.Non is easy: always wonder whether I should be within the reach or unattainable (around intellectual style that counts), the Bignardi has finally found its natural habitat have success on a modest Reted visibilità.La7. The
Bignardi has managed to translate the masterly lesson in TV journalism Carlo Verdelli: the glamorous pop, the brand has added mass market.Lei of his, helped dalle magiche opportunitàche la tv offre.E poi intervistare Roberto AMroni o Gianfranco Carofiglio,mescolare Frida Giannii con Grazia Volo,discutere con Raz Degan e Franco LA Cecla significa sapersi interrogare sul consumo culturale,sugli stili di vita,sulle analisi di trend e tribù culturali(quelle cose che insomma che si insegnano nelle università fighette).Osa persino consigliare libri ma ha affidato l'incarico a Giovanna Zucconi,in multiproprietà con Fazio.
Brava è brava e le invasioni barbariche fa tendenza.
Di fronte all'incipiente gayzzazione della tv italiana,il suo salotto è saldamente femminino,girl pride.COn i suoi ospiti Daria è vivace e riflessiva,discreta e insistente,nobile nell'essenza e un po' birichinanell'espressione, half woman and half sheet moderna.E luck? Well so far a television critic as severe as the Luca Sofri complimenti.E only has reserved a wicked pen and sweet as that of Annalena Benitez has brought only against Fazio.Ma is così.Dalle my fair share so it is said: "Ortuno you are looking for a needle in a haystack and you will find the farmer's daughter "....

Monday, October 23, 2006

Brazilian Wax Honeymoon

We are always at the center of controversy!

Ready to Prodi question: "Toni from class struggle" Diliberto is condoning terrorism ': Giorgio Jannone
(Forza Italy) on the beat of the Secretary of the PDCI and on national TV he said: "The Billionaire'd stuffed with TNT"

Diliberto ospite delle «Invasioni barbariche» di Daria Bignard - Alla domanda delle cento pistole «una a cena da Berlusconi o una serata al Billionaire di Briatore?», ha esitato un attimo e poi ha picchiato duro: «Al Billionaire ma imbottito di tritolo». La versione kamikaze di Oliviero Diliberto alle «Invasioni barbariche» di Daria Bignardi è stata abbastanza barbarica. E ha prodotto polemiche, anche se a scoppio ritardato. A saltare su contro il segretario del Pdci, accusandolo di usare toni da lotta di classe e anche peggio, è Giorgio Jannone, del direttivo di Forza Italia. «Credo che la battuta fatta da Diliberto nel corso della trasmissione Le invasioni barbariche (in onda venerdì, ndr) both stigmatize and in need of clarification by the appropriate person directly involved, "explains the exponent blue, 42 year-old from Bergamo-profile model, as shown in photos published on its website.

controversy - "I do not believe that a deputy of the Republic, at the helm of one of the parties of the governing majority, - he explains - is able to speak freely with these tones. It is not permissible even if this happens in a humorous context. " Jannone that it will present "a question to the Prime Minister to know his opinion of it." "But I think - he concludes - that the tone of the class struggle, in this case, violent, and condoning terrorism, can not go unnoticed, especially emphasized by the television medium. " October 23, 2006

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Second Hand Custom Bmx Bikes

third episode: Miss Invasion ...

Third installment of the barbarian invasions: an invasion of good humor, friendliness, guests and issues worthy of a very nice episode, Daria a crisp and fully inserted in the strength of arguments trattati.La interviews bignardesche came unstuck with a maximum of all three characters barbaric ...
Diliberto has stood with honors and security applications, stimulating our full Daria, fun and loose, which has not messed a comma in my opinion!
Second interview with a man unknown to me and I was afraid that was the most boring, but even this has proved fun and a nice pace of play.
Third interview with Loredana Berte, well, what can we say? Certainly the most unusual, but could not be any different with a character so bizarre and eclectic!
A swollen river swept Daria without destabilizing it, however, even making the interview crackling and unique! A
Daria deliberately at the mercy of the words of Lorenzo seemed completely at ease in front of that table and the interviewer (sometimes astonished say !)...
Both categories of costume and I liked it very topical, of course time for discussion are always a bit 'tight and some issues require more space, but the transmission can not instill last 5 hours ...
interesting (but I'm biased! Ehehe) to treat the debate on homosexuality, beautiful and direct witness of the lesbian mother and amazing and "tough" Ivan Scalfarotto, intelligent journalist (can not remember the name!) Commenting and throwing "pearls of wisdom"!
what about the time devoted to mini miss and beauty contests for children ... the exhilarating outing against the magician Cino Tortorella Zurlo and sides and a marvelous Daria digs a bit 'light-hearted and fun ... very nice Valeria Katia and that made me smile and gave us a high moment of television: the end of Miss Daria Invasion! The more rigid
miss I've ever seen .... but we love her for that too!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

How To Do A Female Brazilian Diagrams

Ten rows

Daria Bignardi Send an email to with the "Ten lines" which are taken from any book, the more you hit, what would you write in your journal! Every week we will select ten
Daria mails will be published on our website. Two of these will be read by you and Linus Live Deejay Call to Italy on Thursday.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Yg Entertainment Audition 2009 December#

the journalist in you ...

We try to build a barbaric intervistona for Daria? Idea so much that she should undergo a great interview the other side I would say the table ....
that what would you ask? As suddenly play a gun to his head? What
curiosity will creep up ?.... we pull out the "Bignon" in all of us!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Viking Vistron Reviews

Poll: Who would you like brutally interviewed?

The echo of the barbaric invasions is making itself felt, and I'm happy ...
hope to collect many messages and ideas in this regard.
This Sunday I was thinking of a small survey .... but who would like to see an interview with Daria?
Who seems pretty barbaric to hold an interview?

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Free Swot Analysis: Hair Salon

say about her .... Post

of Sir Thomas in Double
really is cause for regret because Daria Bignardi not propose this wonderful creature most renowned companies, echoing the grandeur of its mark. Okay, La7 is tiny, pretty, and divertentente snob, but realizes where no one cries all with their own hands in a real optimism, knowing that the basin of the public is poor compared to the immense audience that share RAI and Mediaset. And it's frankly a shame. The Barbarian Invasions do not really have anything to envy to the talk-show of the two national competitors insightful, and often fatally stabbed by excessive self-reference. Daria Bignardi from 2005 to guide the program that she signed, after a past score equally between talk show devoted to modern times and reality-show experienced by the parent, such as Big Brother and The Farm, shows no problems its undoubted oratorical skills. No rhetoric. Bandits fake smiles, the green light to creative ability and improvisation - the memorable episode in the first lineup unfinished at the time of the test administered to guests soaked in nature - managed with great lucidity . And then we are through them, the celebrities, politicians, the so-called celebrities, with apparent ease that they sit around the table talking, and entertain with a conductive nice trip around themselves and the world that circumnavigated the other constantly, without being forced agreeable or disagreeable, without having to leave the enemy's camp for not true. It 's the power of Bignardi: pungent, but gentle, humorous but never dull : does not go down into submission, makes it possible for the frieze and the supposed superiority of role as interviewer with the austere mission to snatch guest battered the fateful words. Here are the interviews taking anything Barbarian flavor than forzataggini of Vespa and Mentana or uncut lounges where guests are free to unleash all his harangue without getting into play, but only in the show. There is interviews tasty, funny, ironic, but also ruthless, where the roles are continually being redesigned, which is played with the same euphoria with sins and awards . Never granted interviews, in which the host is confronted with rumors, often pointed visions of others, thoughts of media and toys like the irreplaceable gun to his head that encourages the interviewee to contextualize in a playful but with a smile immediately. Then, of course, also depends a little bit from the character with whom you are dealing with. Leaving out first of all politicians - on which the Bignardi bit though very, very long marathon in distillates - Littizzetto and Luciana, who inaugurated the second year of transmission with the usual dose of eccentricity, the darker proved Palombelli Barbara. We must get into the game almost as children do at roundabouts, carefree and happy - at the cost of being well positioned on the grid against their media, as happened to Barbara Berlusconi, who shot more or less than zero on Good Friday by Maurizio Costanzo - while wife of Francesco Rutelli has proved less inclined to simplicity. But it is also true that the interviews Barbarian touch a chord, but without causing false notes .. Beautiful even when Bignardi, in its traditional and unique press release quotes a full post picked up, with a lot of recognition, dal Daveblog , ai blogger si apre una speranza: quella di poter concretamente interagire con chi la televisione la fa. E la convinzione che quelli della televisione un'occhiata ai blog del settore la danno sempre volentieri, anche se mantenendosi infingardamente indiscreti. Ma Le Invasioni Barbariche non è soltanto un faccia a faccia continuo. Ci sono due spazi dedicati uno all'attualità e uno al costume nazionale che permettono un confronto sereno e soprattutto non urlato su tematiche interessanti e a volte snobbate dai media. E il pubblico se n'è accorto (la scorsa edizione ha mantenuto ligia una media del 4% di share, con punte del 18%, numeri folli per la rete Telecom). E proprio per questo cresce il rammarico: se Daria, ottima firma peraltro di 'Vanity Fair', dove cura una rubrica, spalleggiata qualche pagina più avanti dal marito Luca Sofri, si trasferisse in Rai o in Mediaset, avrebbe tutt'altro clamore. Anche se forse, Le Invasioni perderebbero la propria aurea. E allora forse, tutto sommato, è meglio la classica e ben assortita èlite, che ama la semplicità e bandisce il pettegolezzo soffritto.

Nightmare Campus Manga -oav

second episode ....

eccoci qui nel post seconda puntata della nostra Daria....che dire?
Aiutatemi anche voi !!!!!

Io ho trovato la puntata migliore della prima, più fluida, le interviste più propriamente da Daria...anche gli ospiti,su cui sinceramentee non was aiming a lot, not knowing very well (except that I could say that Raz Degan is a cool!) and instead have given way to express themselves as best she can do .... ironically, stoccatine velenosette-friendly, intelligent ... Daria
the first episode was less tense and therefore more fluid and as always proved to be the best in the field ...

  1. interview Maroni: Well .... it is not belonging to my political beliefs I was reticent, but I must admit it was nice and ready to requests for Daria, the result of a barbaric nice interview in which Daria could also " play and force "some answers without fear of a negative ritorsine interviewee ...
  2. Interview Frida Giannini: compliments to the designer of Gucci women ... determined and secure, but also for her to be his first television interview seems to have behaved very well ... Daria with her feel-good enough, but could not be any other way In this case, very good journalistic interview.
  3. Interview with Raz Degan: well ..... but how did you like Raz, Darietta? Wonderful when asked to tell her the sentence of advertising !!!.... He very enigmatic character and a bit 'suis generis ( but how much love Paola ..??!!!!!!)... But Daria has run well managed too ...
  4. The moments of costume and Talk to Paul when I say that the costume daria usually calls on the one hand those argue that the subject matter and the other or others who are antagonistic, however, do not follow this trend ... in this case the Rodotà was evidently one of these together ... so deejey did not seem particularly strange His presence there!
  5. The other talk I found it very dynamic and I liked the guests who interacted well with each loro.Per us who were in the studio time went really fast this show .... good sign and good Darietta good!