Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Good afternoon, friends, remember when you went around proudly with a ballooning belly, boy seemed to have a dream, and of course it has become. The torque balance was stable load him with your kindness to you and the baby on the way. Certainly not sex but were doing some minor withdrawal was welcomed by both parties in view of an event that would change his life.
And now, what happens? How's your life changed? and how he behaves?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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working mothers: DUMMY DUMMY

mothers workers: DUMMY : "Good morning! friendly forces us to Wednesday the weekend is near. I read this morning an article about Suri Cruise, and it is already so small ..."

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Hello! friendly forces us to Wednesday the weekend is near. This morning I read an article about Suri Cruise, and so small and already there are articles about her. It 's normal that a mother is unable to remove the pacifier to your child in 5 years? Suri wears heels for two years, but it's still a child, what do you think?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Greetings to all friends, and best wishes to all "our little "......

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oldest Stillrunning Cartoon


Hello friends, you know, our mothers every day we try to teach education for our neighbor. I wonder, is right, if such a child at school, he was slapped, pushed, etc. ... if it returns the slap? The daughter of an acquaintance (7 years), told me that in her school work that way, if a child receives an injury but should not return to tell the teacher immediately, otherwise they are either put in detention. My daughter Asia is a calm and cheerful girl, I realize that when playing with the kids or his girlfriend's heart, is one that takes forever, does not react and usually does not complain, even with the parent or the teacher if that happens at school. We have always taught that children are not beaten, but at least defend, and nothing but! I honestly do not know how to do? What do you think it is right to return the slap? I think so.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Hello! The other day there was a meeting at school with my daughter, talking to the nannies and it turned out the food issue, which is known to us as parents is to mooooooooooolto heart. Practically all children when they are in school, taste everything! Luckily my daughter is a good fork, although it has the physique of a model, But she also has their own tastes and there are things that do not really like. I try to get her to eat things not to his liking, when at home, but it's stubborn! Instead try all at school. In fact, the evening after work, when I ask her what she did at school and what she ate, I proudly replied that he has tasted such as carrots and of course they shoot the applause. I always try to encourage the hope that they do at home "taste". Friends your children eat or at least taste everything?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Hello friends, what do you think of video games, talking about Nintendo, X-Box, Playstation. My daughter has played a little last night 'before going to sleep, and I noticed that if he plays before bed, after a bit is' restless and has trouble falling asleep probably these games do not sleep so ... ... .. how long do you think is right for a child to use video games, she has 4 and a half years, if it is in the company of his girlfriend heart obviously prefer to play with her but in other situations often we play and you! At home we have the Kinect, essendo un gioco interattivo, spesso giochiamo anche con lei, e devo dire che si rallegra tanto anzi CI DIVERTIAMO TANTO!!   E   voi giocate con i vostri figli ai video game?

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Buongiorno amiche, ieri sera eravamo tutti a casa di mia mamma, e prima di andare via dopo cena, ho detto ad Asia, la mia principessa, se una sera facevo venire la nonna a dormire a casa ed io e il suo papà uscivamo, lei cosa ne pensasse. Asia mi ha risposto: mamma se vuoi non ci siete è una tristezza!, mi ha done so much tenderness that I have close to me and hugged her, telling her that if it happens just for a couple of hours but then we go home.
you think is just carve out a little 'time with her husband, companion, and enjoy some' the couple?
sure my daughter is not so much used to it, 1 or 2 times since I left home with her aunt, but sometimes feel the need to go out alone as a couple, and I do not think a What goes wrong is rarely separated, but in this case, we are comfortable that the child stays with the other parent. You how many times you have the evening free?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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safety of our children

Hello friends, mothers, referring to what has happened to the little Yara, I can not help but ask myself the question about the safety of our children. It 'just let them go to the gym, school or just to buy bread alone? You can bring up our children with the fear that around every corner there is a possible MONSTER? My daughter is four and half years, but I know that tomorrow we will put this "problem" right now I'm terrified at the thought of let alone walk a few hundred meters. Perhaps the solution may be to get out children in the group, but I really do not know how we can protect these innocent souls. In a middle school in Reggio Emilia, where will the daughter of a friend of mine, the teachers during the cognitive interview with the parents, they just told you not to let children go to school alone, but at least in the company .... . in short, to the group. Let us pause a moment in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reflect on how to protect our children. What do you think? Rosa

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As the mom I could not leave a greeting, the last, for the small Yara, rest in peace little angel.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Hello friends, finally going to start the weekend, of course, for those fortunate enough not to work on Saturdays and / or Sunday. I think when you become parents, the weekend is not really relaxing and calm, especially for some mothers who have children who cmq wake up early in the morning. I luckily have my daughter that if she goes to bed later than usual, on Saturday gives us (sometimes) even to get up around 09:30 / 10:00. Surely there to be always behind the house and family, but on a psychological level the thought of not having to leave early and go to work is already a good achievement. And what do you think the weekend you get tired or there is a little more 'rest for you? J

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In my area, prov. Reggio Emilia, the nursery will be closed on 7 and 8 March. When I asked the reason for closing the nannies, they said, given that this year can not do that bridges due to national holidays fall on Saturday or Sunday, must recover!
Ma dico, come si fa?? Io lavoro il 7 e 8, sono in un'azienda privata, e cmq anche se lavorassi nello statale quei due gg non sarei di certo a casa. Noi mamme, noi genitori, come dobbiamo combattere questo sistema scolastico che non funziona e non ci aiuta affatto, forse davvero la scelta  migliore sarebbe Scuola Privata?? Io sinceramente stavo valutando questa scelta per le scuole elementari, ma solo per una questione di orario, perchè quella statale mi lascia la bambina fuori intorno alle 16:00, e per chi come me, prima delle 17:00 non ha finito di lavorare è un vero dramma. E voi amiche mamme come siete organizzate e come affrontate le chiusure, nei giorni feriali, della scuola?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Hello friends, I use the dishwasher for a few years now, and I wonder, but as I did before without it?
the evening you come home exhausted, and after dinner at least one hand is certainly more pleasure, certainly I could not survive if I had a washing machine rather than the dishwasher, but I think that his "contribution "for a working mom is quite pleasing. You're as organized or not?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Good morning, this morning my Princess, when I was in the bathroom to wash teeth called me and said: Mommy go to work? with this facet :-(, and I tell you a little bit of treasure and you have to wake up too and Dad will take you to school (I was frettissima) I promised that tomorrow I'll bring it to school and I was one of his beautiful grin :-). If I could I'd leave everything, I would put them to cuddle while sleeping ..... LOVE OF MOTHER

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MOTHER LOVE THE BEST: being a mother and / or processing?

If I had to be faced with this choice, I would not have doubts, I would choose to devote myself to the growth of my child, giving up the possibility to have another entry into the family budget. I sincerely hope you never have to choose, given that the current economic situation leads us to ensure that both parents contribute to entrate.E then, for companies, almost all the costs of a worker in pregnancy are the system previdenziale.Abbiamo achieved equality, but to succeed in reconciling family and work sometimes becomes a difficult task. Friends what do you think? What a wonderful effort is being a mom! :-)

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Foreword to my house there are animals, we are in the apartment and the house is not suitable, then I think that small pets are like children, so there would be run MORE '.
But those who love animals and have the opportunity to have one, should know that it is important to explain to children that dogs, cats or other pets require constant care and attention. C ertamente a commitment but represents a great growth opportunity for your children.
You have animals at home? Can you arrange everything?

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Luckily this morning I did not bring me to the small school because my husband is still at home, so stress mooooooolto meno.Volevo tell you, since we now have a carnival, what do you think of carnival clothes that are on the market ? I have some friends who took the race between our work and home, eventually end up buying clothes for their children of a certain cost, because they have not had time to search stores quietly at other times, and then in fact the demand for children begins with Ben10, the Winks, etc. .... I think we need to find the time to find a nice dress and not very expensive, I am against spending € 40/50 for a suit made only once! (affordability aside), my daughter is almost 5 years and has only two assets and clothes this year had it not been for my grandfather who insisted would have to give him last year. And you as you made for Carnival?

Monday, February 21, 2011

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My daughter went to nursery at 16 months, I have to tell the truth before it started was against that experience, because I thought if the mother has called Pisicologi Paediatricians and children's started 3 years old when the child has "the maturity" to leave the "nest of their own home" because I have to leave because of work "only" as piccola.
Ed invece mi sono ricreduta, è andata sempre volentieri, ha imparato tante cose e sinceramente la vedeo più sveglia di tanti altri bimbi che per fortuna o meno non andavano al nido. Su quest'argomento ho sentito sempre pareri contrastanti e voi??

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Buongiorno, tutte le mattine si corre, colazione,toilette personale, rifare i letti e quant'altro una mamma che lavora può fare prima di uscire di casa. Io per fortuna ho mio marito che fa i turni, per cui ci alterniamo a portare la bambina a scuola, così quando la porta lui la piccola dorme un pò di più e io mi stresso meno :-).
Ho una collega che si alza early in the morning because it cleans a room per day, so you will not be full on weekends and relax a bit. Then she always manages two children, one must ascuola and the other by his grandmother, but always for the whole week and he was obliged to? I wonder, mothers who have their comrades who work day or never lead the child / AA school, why not at least help to accompany the child and must weigh all on the shoulders of the mother and already getting stressed from early morning?
And you who help you?

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Grandparents: not all of them have, in many more grandparents are still working and are out of power retire! And then in my opinion, the grandparents have to grandparents, parents and dinuovo, how I wish something would change about it, then complain that children are not made in Italy! What do you think, so I help zero when she is sick, a few times, fortunately, total panic,-z

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The pregnant woman can not be dismissed by the employer during the period between the beginning of pregnancy and the first birthday of the child, except for serious misconduct (eg theft), leaving the company, the end of contratto a termine. In caso di licenziamento la donna ha il diritto di chiedere, agendo per vie legali, la reintegrazione nel posto di lavoro e il risarcimento dei danni. Durante questo arco di tempo la lavoratrice non può nemmeno essere messa in cassa integrazione o essere soggetta a riduzione dell'orario di lavoro. Dall'inizio della gravidanza fino a sette mesi dopo il parto non può essere adibita al trasporto e al sollevamento di pesi o a lavori pericolosi. Le dimissioni volontarie della madre lavoratrice devono essere comunicate all'Ispettore del lavoro, che deve dare la propria approvazione per renderle efficaci. Con questo sistema si cerca di scoraggiare la pratica, per fortuna sempre più rara, di far firmare alle lavoratrici appena assunte una lettera of resignation with the date blank, to be used in case of maternity.

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I wonder how do you get to eat the "famous vegetables" to our babies ... I succeeded by following an old advertisement for a vegetable soup, saying "The pappa al crocodile is almost ready .... maybe you would not believe but then 2 years ago, my daughter who has 4 years and a half, eat the vegetables like that, because she often asks me the dough with a crocodile, like eating and everything! What do you think?

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I thought, since the day in the life of a working mom is 6 / 8 hours, more pausing, the more time it takes from home to work and back, but when we are tired in the evening we serve our children and educate them?
I personally am not a mother but not to hear whining I always say to the contrary! But friends and acquaintances often behave like that, but it is right to give in to children because we are exhausted?

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EDUCATION OF CHILDREN If children have a fever?

Hello, how exciting, is the first message that I leave here for you! Well I hope there will soon be the Vol ..
I tell and how do working mothers, employers, workers and so when their children are sick, because we live in a country where the mother is the one that always has to "sacrifice" il proprio lavoro e stare a casa? E poi, perchè non creano dei permessi speciali per quando i bambini sono in ospedale? Vi racconto: due anni fa mia figlia è stata ricoverata per un'infezione alle vie urinarie, aveva 2 anni, ma dico come si fa a stare in ospedale due/tre gg e non avere dei permessi speciali retribuiti?, in ufficio mi hanno detto che dovevo usare le ferie! Ma come le ferie vanno usate per andare al parco, al mare in montagna...non per stare in ospedale e così per principio ho preso dei permessi non retribuiti, lo so in busta paga ne ho risentito però per principio ho fatto questa scelta.
Voi che ne pensate?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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On cancellation generated by the city

and progressing to proceed
quest'incessante become
I'll see empty
to be intimate,
the shape of your person,
through a slow
and inexorable
zero substance.

So, being born alive,
characterized by an infinite number of different
these thoughts active
you went over time,
travolta dal manifestarsi degli avvenimenti,
a lambire quelle artificiose dinamiche evolutive
il cui unico possibile risultato
divenne quello di tramutare in vuoto nulla
quel tuo ricolmo fare,
mortificando così l'immensità del tuo essere.

Da selvaggia fiera a lobotomizzata forma vivente,
fu fin troppo rapido il trapasso,
poiché niente poté impedire
ai violenti meccanismi della struttura
to turn to the aridity of reason
the font of your belief,
so empty of any content
your own perception.

And even now
go quietly observing
now bare your body,
deprived of his color
and stripped of every possible expression,
betraying the emptiness of his face
a kind of longed-for help,
weak and almost forgotten
shadow of one of your existing concrete.

... and pity
grew huge in me,
so fierce and true
to ensure that your evil
oppose only the
'inspired my path of pain.