Monday, October 18, 2010

Congratulation Wedding Phrases

on the emotionality of visual flow

Because given the opportunity to see yet
no escape was made possible by the misleading fate
post to tie the representation property,
that chemical substances enclosed by silversmith
was revealed only by the dynamics of transition
luminescent particles than abstract
sum of their creative work.

So inevitably be severed from the theoretical superstitions alchemical
he showed marks of a real dream,
caught in the shadow of unexpected inspiration
that hard work built by the engineer of the 'invention
was changed by the variability of the unconscious released,
so deployed, it is easy to see exhibiting inappropriate forms ,
leaving only the pleasure
to take advantage of those eclectic vision of the mind.

It will be at detecting the primordial substance generating
that in the depths of his eyes
everything manifest their real names;
as likely to create, his soul, it will sink its existence
in fertility of those intimate secrets of nature, which offered her
as a gift to this remote wonder
is now shaping infinite possibilities,
to give life to those visionary hallucinations of evolution
generated by the perfection of a more advanced perception.

forged so the expression of unreality shows,
as the sum of creation, will be giving hope and pain
in the knowledge that everything in her will exist
continuing the pace of the viciousness of possessions,
becoming so magnanimous generating coveted fantasies lost
tormenting unquenchable passion for the ruling
the deepest desires of those souls wealthy revelers
now devoted solely to the expiation of pernicious pleasure broken.


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Monday, October 11, 2010

Body Painting And Volleyball

On the natural size of the animal be

and in that single moment, this fascinating symbiotic substances went heavy body, transformed by her mother itself increasingly resembles those renegades like ... well, from the depths of the earth, is emerging now in all its majestic grandeur, come back to complete with his very essence, reborn as a creature, daughter and wife of the incestuous mother and with bare human form and spirit beastly.

... shaking that his soul
let the beat enclosed
take to live again,
since abandoned in the real alcove
all was as it was created in principle.

And despite the blandishments maternal
everything seemed to revive her
after they feared for a lifetime
truth in what looked like the most.

raggiante della sua riscoperta essenza
sospirò al passato concedendo al presente
di giunger furente in lei;
e in un istante la simmetria del suo cuore
prese a vorticare in un mutevole generarsi 
di istinti ed sensazioni mai percepite...

e mentre tutto attorno a lei
andava assumendo espressioni di tenera familiarità,
le sue assenti ali
presero a scuotere l'apatia di quei molti anni
spent in a possible stranger.

And now that everything vibrates
his inebriated life
be giving the fraternal nature
the gift of cheer for the new-found via ...

and her
dissolved nell'autunnale mantle of the new
exist with an affable smile
by the certainty that nothing more will vanish.


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