Monday, July 26, 2010

Pittsburgh Penguin Neck Ties


that was the delight of instinct
virulent that I wanted to know the sacredness of your language,
rough altar of moist thoughts, since I live
had already invaded the air smells of violent carnal ...

and I felt my being
will flow away from the constraints of the heart,
those coming to lick its own grounds soul
where the oppression of reasoning
give way to lust concessions instinct supreme
where you
sweet alcove of my sin,
go unarmed to do with waiting
the bite of my highest enjoyment.

And consecrate the infinity of the miracles of this beloved land
to your person,
because it was only through the aroma perceived
I could lose myself to the airiness of the think,
going beyond the simple dream,
arriving in those places believed lost
and instead
still lived in those remote areas its immensity.

will then we'll go in merging those violent impulses,
be their most noble of animals,
that are now stirring the spirits contained
and that in a instant
have caused what is stronger in me was screaming for a long time ...
your fertile and nauseating exhalation
primal source of my sacred life,
and as vibrant on
was filling every bit of reality felt,
flooding so sigh cravings
the most diverse branches of the progress of the wind ...

and became for me,
constant alienation believe
because your persistent essence
had long since corroded
the more linear perception of my mind.

chaotic ... preservation of a natural mutability.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ski Doo Tundra For Sale

odor perception on the persecution of congenital heraldry

Ed è innanzi al vostro temere
che vedo svilire quella manifesta rappresentazione del mio volere,
figlia diletta e sorella di quell'uomo che vi fu concesso
e che con ignobile noncuranza avete preferito abbandonare
nonostante che l'amore dimostratovi
andasse ben oltre i sublimi piaceri di questa desiderata vita.
Così, come in passato ed ancora adesso,
andate perseguitando la vostra unica fonte di Redemption
as the fear generated by a possible knowledge
allows you to not see those clear atrocities
with whom you have stained the fate of your own womb,
and with whom I am constantly go fueling the terror of my creature,
harassing that way your forgiveness.

So, frightened and distraught,
will flee from your cries bloody
evading those greedy hands
that unabashedly vanno bramando ancora
di vederla appesa lì, dove le storiche credenze passate
confidano che la vita sua vada elevata,
senza neppure riconoscere che quel sentiero di morte
altro non fu che espressione massima della loro violenta idiozia...

e poiché il fallito regno,
eretto su maschili convinzioni,
nulla ha potuto contro l'ignobile decadenza delle umane gesta,
sarà con mutata forma e pensiero
che si andrà compiendo la nuova era…

sarà la muliebre femminil essenza
ad infonder quelle nuova speranza
necessaria ad alimentar quei resti propri della materia estesa
facendo si che questa,
possa divenir per noi
rinnovato altare di rinascita,
con il fine ultimo di glorificare
quell'esprimersi proprio del nostro sublimato vivere…

e sarà in lei e per lei
that each atom will be formed,
and learn to love so
what you first despised,
since because of misogynist violence
your destiny was already set aside
with the intrinsic knowledge that the grievances of the spectra of the lived
will not be forgotten with time for sure ...
so in an instant, sustained by the immense compassion
will be radiating all
fertilising of the Damned
the eternal soul restless.