Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pokemon Frigo Returns Rom

Buone notizie per il nostro portierone!!!

positive news for our great goalkeeper. After the rest day, today SUPERMAN Iezzi underwent a CT scan in Rome. Confirmed the high ankle sprain with a slight ligament involvement, but nothing to worry about. The diagnosis requires complete rest and after rehabilitation with the possible use already Lecce at the San Paolo on June 3. Force Gennarino back soon!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Buy Cosplay Pokemon Dawn

Il Napoli pareggia 1-1 contro il Modena e perde punti dalla quarta in classifica. - Distorsione alla caviglia per Iezzo nei primi minuti della gara!

Match report

Napoli throws away the decisive race for promotion failed from the spot with Calaiò match point against a very good Modena definitely brighter. Tuesday's race will have a negative impact on the condition of the blue, but the Naples does not take advantage of the draws of Genoa and Piacenza and the defeat of Mantua, which could seriously endanger the direct promotion.
Reja click again confirming the trident behind De Zerbi Calaiò Sosa and the Modena is devoid of defenders Frey and Hungarians, the midfielder and goalkeeper Luis Frezzolini. Napoli suffered the attack right from the start, but the sting in Modena at 9 'with Pinardi throwing deep on which Bruno closes bene Iezzo che si provoca però una distorsione alla caviglia. La marcatura a uomo di Bentivoglio su De Zerbi limita molto l'azione offensiva del Napoli mentre l'ex Longo, domina a centrocampo con le sue accelerazioni che lasciano respirare la retroguardia emiliana, attivando nello stesso tempo le punte. Al 22', sugli sviluppi di un angolo, Cannavaro ribatte una pericolosa conclusione di Longo e sulla conclusione successiva, chiude Maldonado. Al 32', Napoli in vantaggio con Sosa che è bravo a sfruttare il cross di Grava coadiuvato da Calaiò. Dopo il vantaggio, De Zerbi si abbassa sulla linea dei centrocampisti mentre i ragazzi di Mutti, alzano il baricentro alla ricerca dei punti salvezza. Il Napoli continua con il possesso palla e al 42', Sosa ha the opportunity to double, but a short walk from Narcissus, prefer to assist Calaiò center that is anticipated. As often happens in the existence of this great sport to non-goal following a goal just three minutes later and so, once central Longo percussion that is not addressed by any defender and the ball deep to Tamburini that all alone, make a deposit in the network left.
In the second half, the team seems stuck with Reja and shaken by the balance of the canaries got on the end of the first fraction while Modena, manages to be very dangerous right sull'out with Abate. At 51 ', outside the former blue and cross acceleration to Bruno that affects headache from a good position. Reja tries to answer Mutt Trotter for inserting a serious but very purposeful touch is still the goal always in Modena with Abate that wedges into the box, kicking a low shot that finished just outside the 56 minutes'. Napoli is visibly tired from their opponents having played three days ago in Brescia, and so, we must wait for the 63 'to see the first cross Trotta, but the subsequent header Sosa is weak. The midfield of the Neapolitan is often outnumbered due to the fall of De Zerbi Reja which is replaced by the middle of the recovery from the Brazilian Pià, leading the team to 3-4-3. Mutti, in turn, must do without Pinardi, injured in a clash of the game but does not give a tip, thus bringing into Colacone. Al 78', la spinta del Napoli potrebbe concretizzarsi grazie al fallo in area di Tamburini su Sosa che costringe Pantana a fischiare il calcio di rigore e ad espellere il tecnico dei canarini Mutti per proteste. Sul dischetto si porta Calaiò ma il palermitano si lascia innervosire dall'atteggiamento incredibile dei giocatori del Modena che accerchiano vistosamente l'attaccante senza che Pantana intervenisse, e Narciso riesce a parare. L'episodio incattivisce il match e il direttore di gara perde completamente il controllo dell'incontro mostrando il cartellino rosso prima a Gilioli e poi a Montervino. (fonte: Tuttonapoli.net)


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bible With Spinning Mentioned

Il Napoli batte il Brescia e si porta a più 10 dalla quarta - Per Iezzo prova da migliore in campo!!!

Match report

The Lioness has fallen under the blows of Naples and has virtually reached the top flight. With the success of the far distance the blue team Mantova fourth in the standings by 10 points thanks to a twist of the Brazilian's move to the net and Reja, who a few minutes earlier, brought him back to the role of attacker. Eighth blitz outside of Naples engineer who wins the match still in his own way, this time guessing the tactical changes made all'undici initial embarrassment of the first part of the match. Naples ugly and ruthless, but it collects and undergoes when it grants too much, this is the last bastion of true protagonist of the season, Gennaro Iezzo.
Reja, cuts Bogliacino orphaned, abandoned the 3-5-2 and relies on fantasy and Pia De Zerbi deployed wide on the outside. The purpose of the technical blue is to embarrass the defense forcing three of Brescia winger to fall on the line of defenders. Excellent move from theoretical point of view but in the field, you know, is another story, and so the first part of Naples in no sinks always being outnumbered in the middle where Montervino Amodio and are not supported by Pia and De Zerbi being passive. After at least a quarter of an hour of play bland, arriva così la prima occasione per il Brescia al 17' grazie a Possanzini che pesca in area Serafini sul filo del fuorigioco, ma il mattatore della Juventus non si aspetta di trovarsi in posizione regolare e calcia contro Iezzo, bravo comunque nell'uscita. Il Brescia si accorge che il Napoli non copre bene il campo e alza il ritmo. Le sponde del mobilissimo Possanzini mettono in difficoltà gli azzurri ma il navigato attaccante di casa, paga le energie spese con la mancanza di lucidità sottoporta. Alla mezzora, arriva la mossa di Reja che si accorge della sterilità offensiva del Napoli e sposta De Zerbi dietro Calaiò e Pià che torna al ruolo di punta abbandonando l'out sinistro del fronte d'attacco. Il cambio tattico provoca subito i suoi frutti and 39 ', the Brazilian exchange with the trocar Garics, whose cross from the right found the head of Calaiò whose disengagement, it turns into an assist for Pia with a light touch, Viviano mockery out by finding the bottom corner to his left. The advantage to the team cut the legs of the cosmos that the 45 ', has the opportunity of the draw but the generous Possanzini begins the festival of errors subnet still kicking up Iezzo always better to close the door mirror.
In the second half against Napoli, heartened by the advantage starts with a look better and 49 ', De Zerbi tries with a free kick from a tight angle, pulling out. A minute later, Brescia forward and save Garics diverting header Serafini a few steps from the door. Napoli backs in defense of the benefit and the second half turns into a monologue of swallows. Reja tries to remedy by including Sosa and jubilation in the air and skillful use mostly attacks on the hosts. The lineouts of Stankevicius are true cross in Naples, but the Pampa stands away all the balloons played a true defender added the set piece of Brescia. At 77 ', a great opportunity to Possanzini that does not take advantage of a wrong step Cannavaro, kicking off a stone's throw from Iezzo. At 81 ', Brescia still close to balance with that high kick by Cerci very good area. The race ends with an opportunity to Sosa, who just before Viviano, leave forward from numero uno avversario, e dall'ennesima parata di Iezzo sulla conclusione di testa di Stankevicius. (fonte:Tuttonapoli.net)

La pagella di "SUPERMAN IEZZO"

Con quest'altra prova di forza e carattere rimedia all'errore di Mantova. Insuperabile in almeno due occasioni nel primo tempo, nella ripresa infonda sicurezza alla difesa facendo suoi tutti i cross degli avanti lombardi. UNICO!!! >7,5 < (superiezzo.blogspot.com)

Mantova? Un episodio, già dimenticato. Torna a fare l'extraterrestre ipnotizzando prima Serafini e poi Possanzini. >7,5 < (calconapolinews.it)

Essenziale, mai fuori posto, ma ancora una volta decisivo. E' sempre al posto giusto al momento giusto, se metà di questo campionato era suo oggi ne ha tagliata un'altra fetta. Il migliore in campo (ancora!) >7,5 < (pianetanapoli.it)

Due grandi parate che salvano il Napoli e tante uscite di estrema decisione a sventare ogni pericolo nella propria area. >7 < (pianetazzurro.it)


Monday, May 14, 2007

What Kind Of Doctor Do You See For Hyperhidrosis

Monday, May 7, 2007

Margot De Taxco Zodiac

SUPER IEZZO tradito da una deviazione!!!

Gli hanno fat&shy;to la macumba. Tutti a dire « che grande! », « non sbaglia mai! » , « è superman! » . Ec&shy;cola là, arrivata secca la sentenza. E’ stata una gaffe perdonabile quella di Iezzo, non imperdonabile, non una papera perché il tocco di Cannavaro, impercettibi&shy;le dicono i moviolisti, ha de&shy;viato la traiettoria del pal&shy;lone e l’ha condannato. Ca&shy;pita, capita anche ai supe&shy;reroi: un pallone innocuo (così sembrava...), un effet&shy;to velenoso, a zig- zag, le gambe che restano impala&shy;te nel terreno, gli occhi che chissà dove stanno, le mani si fanno saponetta, magari c’è una zolla di troppo, un ciuffo d’erba maledetto e la frittata è servita. Povero Iezzo, poveraccio, questa non se la meritava proprio. Ogni superman vive la sua giornata no, si trova addos&shy;so la luna nera che lo adoc&shy;chia. L’ABITUDINE - Una buona abitudine, buonissima. Non può esser sempre giorno santo pure per S. Gennaro Iezzo, il calcio è così. Trop&shy;po viziato il Napoli. Troppo abituato bene per pensare che il suo portiere un gior&shy;no avrebbe potuto « tradirlo » . Avvoltoi e gufi stiano al loro posto, non si muovano adesso, non stril&shy;lino.Gennarì resta un eroe, ha tenuto in piedi la squa-dra-li in the most difficult of the season, has pro-door roof sacrificing himself for his country, has reinforced fly from pole to pole, he double-locked by blocking penalties (two, we decided-in Modena and Treviso), foiling prowess, sabo-Tando attacks in series against vandosi-to-face with the attackers on duty and the hypno-tizzano great. Once. Twice. Three times or more per game, we do everything we put into oblivion? Impossible. He never uttered a word, can re-release in a time of silence is not never came out of the closet to say: "Hey, dear comrades, but where the hell are you? Arrive here from all over. " Never did he think of his, was born to the most well-ol-three, he gritted his teeth and closely-to fists. CONSOLATELO - We cre-deva even he, thyme-quell'at there has been a nightmare. He was thrown to the right, when he turned and saw the lone slip-pal on the left, he collapsed to the world-off. You are not capacitated, but what happened? This was requested. Ro safety seemed, had perched as usual, just waiting to roll the ball in his hands and instead secure anything, he escaped, guilt di quella deviazione, non l’&shy;ha preso, gli è scappato via e ha rotolato sì, in rete però. L’ha raccolto nel sacco, si è sentito morire perché quel gol, in cuor suo, sentiva che potesse essere quello deci&shy;sivo, quello che avrebbe ri&shy;portato il Napoli giù per ter&shy;ra. Poi però si è ripreso, si è rialzato e non ha sbagliato più una mossa: ha evitato il raddoppio per almeno tre volte. Perché lui è fatto co&shy;sì, non si arrende, non mol&shy;la un centimetro. L’IDOLO - Cuore azzurro Iezzo, un portiere-garanzia a prova di scasso. Mancava poco che gli facessero una statua ed è ancora così for-that-will have time to redo it, to delete this damn day, this match started poorly and ended worse. There is no hopping is not whether the heating-lowed by an "ole, ole, Olee ..." the fans. A day-no Iezzo said: "People identify with me because I know no-one of them, a bit of polo, it's nice to feel the fall-ing of our fans, people of non-strategic. I have a special relationship with everyone because being in contact with the curve is as if we were close throughout the game ... '. Do not ever leave him alone, no. Is-even time. From Gennaro! (Source: Corriere dello Sport)

Milena Velba December 2009

Il Napoli perde Mantua and you pass in the standings from Genoa - Iezzo make a mistake on the goal of Lombardy, but then recovers and makes two miracles

Match report

Two unforgivable naivete in this tournament when they lost to Naples race and second place. Cats before and Maldonado then pave the way for a Mantova concerned only to defend themselves so as to record in the first fraction of 42% ball possession compared to 58% of the blue. It is to record the double injury and Bogliacino Domizzi in the middle of the match which affected even more for the team to the meeting Reja that at this point, can be reached only by winning second place in Genoa on June 10. Cats return, Calaiò, Grava e Savini nella formazione azzurra che si affida al consueto 3-5-2 al cospetto del 4-4-1-1 di Di Carlo. Il tecnico di casa dal canto suo, rinuncia a Bernacci per un centrocampista in più schierando dietro l'attaccante Godeas, il fantasista Caridi. Napoli subito aggressivo sin dai primi minuti ma un Mantova corto, concede poco spazio agli ospiti. Gli azzurri cercano insistentemente la testa di Sosa che non trova l'assist giusto con le spizzicate mentre la compagine di Di Carlo, tenta le sponde a terra di Godeas per gli inserimenti di Caridi, Sommese e Tarana ben controllati dalla retroguardia partenopea. L'intensit di gioco non manca ma le occasioni da rete sono nulle e bisogna attendere il 21' per vedere la prima vera azione pericolosa con Sosa. L'argentino, Montervino advantage of a recovery, however weak and not pulling serving the most free and Dalla Bona Montervino in area. At 32 ', comes the reply of Mantua with Tarana and speed than serious, but ends at the left side. At 37 ', Domizzi out through injury and a minute later, it Bogliacino to leave the field after a clash with midnight Reja forces to encourage the replacement Dalla Bona and above all, to lose two changes. At the end of the first half, Cats stalls too with the ball possession in midfield and then being forced to land Grauso. On the following free kick, still naive of Perugia that is not interested to cover the ball when the kick, helping the assist for Caridi in excess of Maldonado, and leaves from the winning shot helped by the deviation of Cannavaro. At the beginning of recovery, Naples visibly shaken and nervous because of the benefit of the owners definitely preventable and 49 ', Maldonado is left for an elbow to expel Godeas leaving her with ten men. Race at this point in the blue trying to climb the assault until the end but the Mantova close properly then playing for remittance. At 58 ', penalty foul to roll up Sommese not sanctioned by Mr. Messina and at 68', we think Iezzo incredible parade with a double, to avoid the doubling of all Franchini launched only by Caridi. Reja's team gives a clear space in desperate search of an equalizer and 72 ', need to register Cannavaro on the miraculous recovery Godeas launched a network. At 82 ', has the ball Calaiò also on the development of a free-kick from the right, but the header from a good position of Palermo is weak and inaccurate. At 90 ', the porter of Naples still avoid the doubling opponent flying direct pull on the intersection of the match winner Caridi and two minutes later, the first pole and then the crossbar saved a whole voted Naples attack, respectively, by Rizzi and cord. (source: Tuttonapoli.net)

The report card of "SUPERMAN Iezzi"

is deceived by the sudden firing of Caridi at the end of the first half, but then again and performs at least two interventions on well-made and Franchini Caridi. > 6 < (superiezzo.blogspot.com)

commits the fatal shooting of indecision Caridi, but in the second half redeems itself to a passive Naples great avoiding most conspicuous. > 6 < (pianetanapoli.it)

guilty undecided when the network is redeemed valance making two speeches of fine workmanship. Too bad for the mistake that affects the playing of the blues, but worth the sufficiency as it has reacted to the great psychological difficulties that could arise. > 6 < (napolisoccer.net)

Severe uncertainty regarding the conclusion of Caridi irreparably undermine its performance. However, it is and remains one of the best goalkeepers in Italy. > 5.5 < (calcionapolinews.it)

his mistake is the one born with the goal of Caridi. At 22 ° of ST, however, two important intervention on Franchini and then another miracle to Caridi. > 5 < (napolimagazine.com)

The goal with which the hoax Mantova Napoli certainly is due to a goalkeeper of the blue duck. During the match then redeems itself, especially on Caridi. > 5 < (pianetazzurro.it)


Thursday, May 3, 2007

Rosalind Hursthouse On Virtue Ethics Abortion

Napoli strikes five wins against Albinoleffe and thus consolidates second place - Solita evidence of careful Iezzo!


E' il solito Napoli solo dopo qualche minuto. Perché nelle prime battute sembra di vedere un'altra squadra: velocissima, aggressiva con palla a terra e subito pericolosa con Garics, che impegna severamente il portiere dell'AlbinoLeffe, e poi ancora con una serie di folate nell'area avversaria.Poi però ecco il solito Napoli. L'AlbinoLeffe inizia infatti a prendere le misure e ad affiacciarsi nella metà campo partenopea, e allora la manovra degli uomini di Reja rallenta diventando più prevedibile e meno spettacolare, which is based on long balls in search of tips. But this is also the game that well or badly led Napoli to play for the direct promotion, considering the power of many of his men. How Domizzi and Sosa, the builders of the Neapolitan advantage: the first in the 33 'cross calibrates the trocar left right on time for the second is the header that beat angolatissimo Marchetti. Mondonico forcing the team, which until then had controlled the game with good efficacy trying some fast counter-attack with Cellini, to build the game, something that until the interval is able to return to the field fatica.Al Mondonico tries to put his hand to change to make his team stronger, but opportunities are made initially small. Napoli, however, wisely keeps the initiative, giving little to the opponents. But by half time the teams are getting longer and the hosts are starting to take risks, maintaining inviolate the network only because of errors Belingheri and Cellini. Then the referee to cancel (rightly) a goal to Ferrari for offside soon after, in fact, have taken the same measure, one goal of Pia. But in the end it's just AlbinoLeffe, who often comes to a step by peers and who is denied a penalty that probably was. And so it ends on a 1-0 of those, again, usually from Naples, that is sustained until the last, but the important thing is the second place, and that is also questa settimana.

La pagella di "SUPERMAN IEZZO"

Una buona prova per il portierone azzurro, che forse sbaglia solamente il tempo nell'uscita su Ferrari. Comunque una sicurezza. >6,5 < (superiezzo.blogspot.com)

Graziato dall'arbitro nell'intervento su Ferrari, si supera la 91' sul solito Cellini. >6,5 < (calcionapolinews.it)

Ottimo in almeno un paio di interventi. Leggermente fuori tempo su Ferrari ha rischiato tanto, ma va bene così. >6,5 < (napolisoccer.net)

Una sicurezza. Sempre impeccabile ogni volta che gli opponents engage him. In the end saves the result on the diagonal of Cellini. > 6.5 < (pianetanapoli.it)

Accurate and timely interventions. > 6.5 < (napolimagazine.com)